CPD for Holistic Therapists

Elevate your Holistic Therapy Practice 
Uplevel Your Confidence

You do what you do because you love to help people!

You are always eager to learn more so you can serve your clients
in the best way possible.

You know that - alongside technique - knowledge and confidence in what you do is key to being an excellent therapist.

In holistic health settings, there is an area which is acknowledged and generally accepted,
though not always fully explored or understood.

This is an area I specialise in, so I have prepared a training in the form of
a series of video presentations on what ALL therapists need to know about
Trauma, Suppressed Emotions & Physical Health.

Why is it so important I learn about this?

You know you’re a great practitioner but maybe you have certain clients with stubborn, chronic issues that you want to understand more about - including the root cause - so you can help them more effectively.

In chronic “energy” conditions like ME/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia, the specifics of the underlying emotional issues and how to deal with them are not widely known, even in the holistic arena.

Although it is understood and accepted that there is an emotional element to many physical complaints, there are often gaps in understanding around how and why trauma and suppressed emotions can have such a debilitating effect and, particularly, around the most effective way to remedy this.

This can often lead to a lack of confidence in dealing with clients with chronic health issues as therapists can feel like they don’t have all the answers, but should - even though no one modality is designed to specialise in every aspect of health and wellbeing, even holistic ones, so this would be a tall order!

However, having more answers and explanations for these clients increases the confidence that therapists have in themselves and clients have in them.

ME CFS Fibro recovery

Dealing with difficult client emotions and when to refer

There is also often the awareness that certain techniques can shift stuck emotions in people but perhaps not enough focus on how to deal with the potential emotional outpouring that this (or even just feeling safe in a therapy room) can lead to.

Lack of training or experience can leave practitioners feeling unsure in these situations or nervous at the thought of having to deal with them.

It’s important for both client and therapist that situations like these are handled calmly and with confidence.

And, of course, in all health settings, it’s incredibly important to know what you can and can’t do something about, when to refer on and who to.

This is a must, as a rule, in settings like the NHS but in the alternative, complementary and holistic arena, there are fewer measures in place to ensure this happens, which means it comes down to professionalism and integrity; doing the right thing for your client.

However, who do you refer to in cases like the above?

By the end of this presentation, you will have knowledge of all of this.

What is covered and included?

This is a series of easily digestible videos that make up a complete presentation on the link between emotional and physical health, designed to help you:

  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of how and why suppressed trauma and emotions causes dis-ease within the body
  • Find out how the mind-body link produces the symptoms of ME, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia and why knowledge of this is important in the holistic health arena
  • Discover the kinds of emotional issues that can lead to physical conditions, how to spot them in clients and what to do if you do
  • Learn how to cope if a client has an emotional release during a session
  • Know who to refer clients on to and how, where appropriate

This training also includes a downloadable PDF poster which is designed to be printable up to A5 size as a useful aid for you and your clients to refer to in your treatment room.

suppressed emotions and physical health

This is for you if you want to:

  • Become more informed and knowledgeable on the link between emotional & physical health
  • Increase your confidence in dealing with clients with chronic issues
  • Feel more assured in your ability to cope when faced with clients who have an emotional release during a session

Which will help you to:

  • Stand out in your field for your knowledge and professionalism
  • Get better results for your clients with chronic issues
  • Elevate the credibility and status of your holistic practice

As with most things, the more knowledge you have in this area, the more confidence you have in yourself as a therapist...and the more confidence your clients will have in you.

You can feel assured you are acting and working with integrity which will shine and speak for itself!

This usually leads to being highly recommended - not just for your skills, but for your professionalism, etiquette, trustworthiness and credibility. 

You could be simply another therapist - doing what you've been trained to do...


You could be part of the movement that is taking the role of emotions in physical health seriously and truly incorporating this knowledge to make a real and lasting difference to people... People who keep being told that they can’t recover and that the best they can hope for is to try and manage their symptoms…

As you can see from what is fairly typical feedback from my clients below, this is simply not true…

"I went 10 years with CFS and no one could help - until Susan... I now have my life back!" KW

"I came to her having exhausted all other avenues. She quickly gave me hope. My health began to improve dramatically and her method has helped change my life. Thank you Susan." Saul

"I can’t thank Susan enough for getting my life back for me." Morag

"I am symptom free and off all medication, it has been truly life changing." LS


Introduction to Effective Communication Skills for Holistic Therapists

Do you lack confidence when it comes to how to talk to clients?

Are you sometimes unsure about the best way to convey information so you are understood or around knowing what should and shouldn't be said, in certain situations? 

Do you wish there had been more in your training about how to communicate with different people with different needs and backgrounds?

Would you like to have more confidence in our ability to communicate effectively and appropriately?

Then you are in luck! Because I have put together a two-part video presentation to help you with all of this. 

It covers what effective communication is, why it is so important and how we achieve it.

It is designed to aid you in further establishing yourself as a professional, trustworthy and caring practitioner, by helping you to:

- Improve the likelihood of you and your client knowing what you both need to
- Foster a healthy client-therapist relationship
- Provide a high quality, effective service that allows your clients to feel safe

These two CPD trainings are available to buy individually or as a bundle deal. 

Whichever you opt for when you sign up, you get instant and lifetime access, including any future updates.

Susan Murray

I have been working as a highly effective Therapeutic Coach since 2016. I specialise in helping women to recover from conditions like ME/CFS, Fibromyalgia and Anxiety by tackling the emotional root cause.

I have combined my training, skills and experience to develop my own Mind Body Align™ Method, which I use with 1-1 clients and within the membership I created in 2022, the Mind Body Align™ Members’ Circle.

I am also a Health and Wellness Author for women’s online publication, Elysium Lifestyle Magazine, and continue to create materials and courses to provide varying levels of access to my work, for a wide range of clients.